When backing up a workstation such as Windows XP / Windows 7, after installing the client you will receive a message "Disconnected Client" which is normal, however DPM does not create a recovery point of your data selections.
DPM will give you a message to allow the exception to your firewall such as:
C:\>netsh advfirewall add rule name=DPMAM_WCF_SERVICE dir=in program="C:\Progra
Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\bin\DPMAMService.exe" profile=Any
I found that it just resulted in the error below:
The following command was not found: advfirewall add rule name=DPMAM_WCF_SERVIC
dir=in "program=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\bin\DPM
MService.exe" profile=Any action=allow.
A simple work around for this problem is to open the DPM client user interface on the protected workstation in {DPM Install Path}\bin
e.g. C:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\bin\DPMClient.exe
Select the Protected Items tab, then select the folders you wish to protect.
Then select the Summary Tab and click the Sync button. DPM will prompt you to apply the changes you made in the protected items tab, which of course you want to apply.
This will start synchronising immediately with DPM which you can monitor from the DPM admin console.
Once the synchronisation has completed, open DPM Admin Console and create a recovery point.